Friday, May 25, 2012

First Doctor's Appt.

So - I should have written about this last week, but I have been so busy with the other 6 and work that I just didn't have any time.  So I figure, now is as good a time as any...

So - My first doc's appt for baby 7 was Wednesday the 16th. Now - going to see my doctor is always an experience.  I have been going to the same practice since I was 16 however when I got pregnant with my first child D, the OB that I had been going to had just retired so the practice set me up with Dr. Kozlwski.  I just adored him. He was so good with me. I was 20 and scared.. and he would make me laugh. So needless to say, I've been with him ever since.

My husband and I walk in, the nurse takes me in almost immediately - she does her routine.. asks questions.. .I step on the scale (which I will not reveal my weight because even I was disappointed with that.) Then it was right into the ultrasound room.

I lay on the table - more than excited to see Dr. K again.  He comes walking in shaking his head.  Now try to listen to this in a Polish accent - cause well.. he's Polish lol.. "Oh Kristie, Kristie, Kristie.. Don't you think I have enough grey hair already?  You keep giving me more!!!!"  He gets himself all prepped... and says "Let's go with the torture first, that way i don't have to do this again until after this baby's born. .then we'll get to the good stuff." and he proceeds with the pap..

When that is completed, he then feels my stomach. "When did you say your last period was?"
me: "March 25th (ish)"
Doc: "Well Dear, you are either further along than you think or this is twins."
My husband turned white as a ghost - which is very hard for him to do mind you.. he's half Jamaican.
Doctor K winks at me and says, "I'm not due for another set of twins for a while so I'll bet of further along."
me: "So we are already starting on the bets huh?"
all: laugh...

Onto the ultra sound...
Doc only found 1 baby... phew... not that I would be upset with twins.. but come on... we already have 6!!!
Doc: "No, you are right.. just where we expected 7 wks 2 days."
         "Or maybe 7 wks 3 days... do you care if your due date is 1/1 or 12/31? which would you prefer?"
Me: "12/31 please"
Doc: " okay you got it.. 12/31 it is... but you do realize, with your history, this will be a Christmas baby."

He gave me enough pre-natal samples to get me until our next appt and we were on our merry way!

So now we know - there is only 1 baby... and I was only 7 weeks 3 days... I have heard that sometimes another baby can be hiding and some women don't find out until the second trimester ultrasound.  For now, I'm banking on 1.. and if it ends up being 2, well.. I guess at this point, the more the merrier.  :)

And now the question is - when shall we tell our parents?  and when shall we tell the other children?

Now onto our quote from the children:
For those of you who know us. some people think my little A is slightly gifted.. as in psychic.. I personally think she's just VERY intuitive... So last week walking through the grocery store. little A is sitting in my cart rubbing my belly. She looks at me and says "Mommy, I really think there is a little baby in there."


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